Hunter's Home Page

What Am I Going To Do When I Turn 16?

dolla bills yo

The first thing I'm going to do is walk down to this corner store by my house, and try to get a job. After I earn some money, I want to buy a car and learn how to drive.

I will get my own phone and a plan for it, and start buying some better computer parts so I can get at least 60 fps when I'm playing games.

Lastly, I will try to get out a little more, be more social, and have fun before I have to work to keep a house or apartment.

How am I Currently Earning Money?

A writing utensil for a lawn

Me and my friend do freelance landscaping, and it's been working pretty well. We charge $200 per lawn, $100 for the each of us.

Every once in awhile I walk my neighbor's dogs for some money as well, it's not that hard and it pays decently.

I don't get an allowance, so I really need a job to keep a steady flow of money.

Plans For Graduation

What you're looking at to see this website

Right now, I'm planning on getting whatever certifications I need to be a programmer or hardware expert.

I haven't decided yet but I may go into a course for business in college, because I want to open my own company someday.

Not long after I get my High School Diploma, I want to move out on my own, and take some more responsibility in my life