Hunter's PC Build

Main Objective

This should be a really cool LED computer

I want to be able to build my own computer, because I'm addicted to gaming and want to create my own games one day.

I have a hard time earning enough money for my computer and other things in life, so that's why I'm looking for a stable job.

I aim to finish my compter by March 2016, but if not as soon as possible.


A high end graphics card

I'm aiming for a gtx 970 for my graphics card, I'd like to have steady frames with high quality.

I'm still unsure about my processor, but I was looking for at least an i5.

The thing I'm most excited for is the case, because I want an LED case that looks really cool, or else I'll be a little upset.


This should be burning money

I believe that the entire computer (not including the second monitor I want) will cost around $1,200.

It bugs me, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable spending this much money on a computer, because I still want to buy some weights and I need my permit to drive.

It's almost crucial that I pick up a job when I turn 16 (In January) to get all the things I want.